1. The Stuck-in-the-Sixties theory.
2. The Contrarian theory.
3. The Oppressors-and-Oppressed theory.
4. The Unity-of-the-Causes theory.
5. The We-Are-Guilty theory.
6. The Near-Enemy-vs.-the-Far-Enemy theory.
Readers suggested a few more (and let me point out that I don’t claim to have invented all of the theories above, though I can’t remember where or when I’ve heard of some of them). TGGP in the comments has suggested something, though I can’t quite make out how it works.
7. Herman Benschop in the comments suggested what might be called the Eventually-We’ll-Be-Proved-Right theory, which says that leftists believe that reactionary Muslims, like everyone else, will eventually come around and realize that leftists are right about everything.
8. Keith Burgess-Jackson has suggested (here) what might be called the Leftists-Are-Weenies theory, which says that leftists are composed primarily of women and effeminate men and that they are so afraid of Islamists that they have allied themselves with them for protection.
It occurred to me the other day that we are forgetting another theory:
9. The Right-Controls-Everything theory. According to this theory, leftists believe that the right controls everything, and since the right is prejudiced against Muslims, the left’s biggest problem in connection with Muslims is trying to counter the (in their minds) high degree of prejudice against them which makes their lives miserable. Incidents like honor killings or even the murder of Theo van Gogh count as nothing but outliers that have no political meaning.
Evidence: There’s plenty of evidence here. Leftists become deranged at the idea that Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are popular and act as though their near-total domination of the New York Times and most other newspapers, of NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN somehow doesn’t count. In addition, for years liberals and leftists denied that they were dominant in academia, until some surveys a few years ago told them otherwise. Some still talk as though they weren’t dominant.
Since the left dominates our culture through their dominance of our media and our schools, it is hard to take their thinking seriously on this point. I present it as a theory for understanding them.
The Muddled Motivation Theory--The Left believes that behind all the dysfunction Islamists are, without knowing it, trying to express their need to be liberated from Empire and Capitalism. The Islamists' obsession with following Allah's Will masks their true motivations, which they don't fully understand. Since their REAL motivations are noble, we should support them, at least tentatively, until their realize their true motivations. This could be seen perhaps as an extension of #7.
Posted by: Michael Valle | 07/25/2010 at 12:29 PM
The Romanticizing of Violence Theory---Historically the Left has romanticized violence, especially revolutionary violence. Muslims, like any other non- Western, non-capitalist group, are victims of oppression so their violence is excused or rationalized by the Left as a necessary part of their liberation struggle. Attacks such as 9/11 and Bali were "blowbacks" against the "empire". A semi-justifable response to captialism and imperialism, in words of Rev. Wright "America's chickens coming home to roost."
This could be considered an extension of #1 and #3.
Posted by: Elrond Hubbard | 07/25/2010 at 06:50 PM
Thanks for the excellent suggestions. The theories are multiplying like rabbits, and I'm finding it hard to keep up!
Posted by: John Pepple | 07/26/2010 at 12:04 PM
Another one, ha ha!:
The Need-For-Authority Theory--Leftists realize that humans (including themselves) like firm expectations for their behavior and a sense that there are authorities in their lives, but they don't want to admit this since everything they preach is about doing away with all of these "olds." Islamism offers an energetic system of expectations and authority that calls to the inner needs of Leftists for these things that they have long since abandoned yet still desire.
Posted by: Michael Valle | 07/26/2010 at 12:14 PM
I think it all boils down to the good old Realpolitik.
The enemy of your enemy is your friend.
Muslims are enemy of the western culture, which in turn is the enemy of the Leftists. It is therefore completely natural for the Leftists to ally themselves with Muslims.
Posted by: Ironmistress | 07/27/2010 at 01:53 PM
I think of it as determinist solidarity. Both sides are composed of people who want to be the instrument of the inevitable victory.
Posted by: Joseph Hertzlinger | 07/27/2010 at 07:06 PM
Joseph Hertzlinger: Of course, we saw that in Iran in the 1970s. Leftists and Islamists banded together to evict the Shah. Once they achieved that, the Islamists elbowed the left aside (even butchered a bunch of them) and took over.
Posted by: John Pepple | 07/28/2010 at 07:10 AM
To be more precise: my point was that leftists THINK they are right about everything.
Posted by: Herman Benschop | 07/28/2010 at 07:30 AM
Yes, that was the way I understood you. Sorry if that didn't come through when I reported your theory.
Posted by: John Pepple | 07/28/2010 at 07:36 AM