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Let's just say I grew up in the 60s and was not only encouraged to read Jane Austen in high school and college, but an entire group of us read and reread her novels before she became "famous" and still read her.

She was always in the top lists of recommended books, at least in schools in Baltimore. Oh, and Janeites are as diverse as any other population. Not only did I enjoy The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, but I loved reading the Russian authors as well. Turgenev's Fathers and Sons was high on my list of favorites.

What IS new is that an entire group of so-called Janeites have never bothered to read her books. They read the sequels and prequels to the movies. Now that's a phenomenon worth commenting about.

John Pepple

Yikes, are there such Janeites? I wish I could comment on them, but I don't know any or know of any. I suppose it's easy enough to give up on some of her complicated sentences, which are so unlike the way we write today.

More common are the women who see themselves as Elizabeth Bennet, but who don't seem to understand what a rare person she was. Not many people would react the way she did to being handed Darcy's letter. Lots of people would refuse to take it, or rip it to shreds in front of his eyes, or burn it without reading it, etc. To read through it the way she did and revise all her strongly-held opinions was obviously a painful experience that most just will refuse to go through.

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