The other day the local newspaper had a letter from someone complaining about a previous letter writer who had urged us to attack Iran in order to retrieve our captured drone. The complainer began by arguing that we wouldn’t like it if Iran had sent a drone over us and we would consider it an act of war.
Down through the years I’ve seen many letters to the editor written by people, presumably leftists, arguing in this fashion. Ordinarily, these letters are on the topic of Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, and they insist that Iran has just as much right to a nuclear weapon as we do. The basic premise is that all nations ought to be treated as equals.
But there are two problems here. The first is that, for everyone, there is some regime, either current or historical, for which they would not wish to argue this way. The usual example here is Nazi Germany (an example that works for nearly everyone in the West). If we were sending drones over Nazi Germany, wouldn’t we think we had a better right to do it to them than they had to do it to us? Ditto for Nazi Germany’s supposed right to a nuclear weapon. We don’t need to treat every nation as our equal.
And there is no reason for us to regard Iran in particular as an equal. It’s not an innocent member of the community of nations, but is one bent on wreaking havoc. If it gets a nuclear weapon, it will use it, whereas we’ve had such weapons for decades and have only used atomic weapons twice, way back in 1945.
The second problem goes back to the left’s curious adoption of Iran as an ally. There is very little for the left to gain by pushing for Iran to get more power, except that a reactionary regime will become more powerful, and a comparatively enlightened one (the U.S.) will lose some power. Why is this to be sought after? It has never been explained, but it leads to some serious consequences when taken to an extreme. Let’s say, for example, that Iranian warships basically controlled the Atlantic Ocean. Lots of trade between America and Europe would be curtailed, and furthermore, it would be nearly impossible to travel there. How many of the liberals and leftists wanting a more powerful Iran really want this? Not many, I bet.