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MOΛΩN ΛΑΒΕ is said to be from the battle of Thermopolae. The Spartans were told to surrender their weapons, and this was their response.

It's been picked up by the anti gun control folks.


more than you may have wanted to know:


those on the right/libertarian "side" tend to comment positively.

those on the left tend to comment along the lines of: tl;dr you gun rights people are all the same, ad hominim, some interesting contortions of argument from authority, or you didn't cite or you used the wrong stats or your interpretation of the stats is wrong, though a thoughtful few have stated that the post did give them much to think about.

John Pepple

Thanks to both of you.

I think the biggest argument against the gun control they want is that guns will be manufactured in illegal factories or else slipped in across the border. Laws don't mean anything to the criminals, so there will still be plenty of guns around.

This is similar to what the pro-choice people say about abortions, that they're going to happen anyway, so why not make them legal and protect people?


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