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Disparate impact is evidence of racism even if every race is not equally impacted. The attitudes of different minorities toward authority also matters. Somalis do not have a couple of generations of family history getting jobbed by the system. East Asians do a great job taking care of their own as means to overcome racism against them. To count only murders is to miss the much larger and more subtle problems of systemic racism.


The messages in Brown's milieu are supported by righties as well as leftists. There's not many paths out. While I understand your theme of self-critical leftism, a self-critical rightist would also see a huge waste of not just and individual life, but of all the lives hindered by the right's inability to break into the negative messaging that lets kids grow up to be killed by cops.

John Pepple

People on the right support these messages? You need to be explicit. Which people on the right support the “acting white” syndrome? I’ve never heard anyone on the right say anything other than that it is a disaster for blacks. Maybe those on the far right laugh at it because they like the idea of blacks being their own worst enemies, but I’ve never actually run across anyone with that attitude. Instead, people on the right frequently talk about the problems of blacks that have nothing to do with racism. They refuse to do well in school because that would be acting white. They have turned to crime in a big way. (I don’t remember stray bullets killing black children when I was young.) Their families have been destroyed. None of this is due to racism. It is all due to bad decisions by blacks and their white supporters.


I see righties echoing the belief that black people are inclined to criminality and lesser disappointments. It's old-fashion superior race jabber. The food, the music, the styles of black culture are associated with being a lowlife.

I'm actually kind of shocked at how much this has come out thanks to Ferguson. It is a minority attitude (heh) among righties, but is more than a fringe, and is not called out very often by the non-racist majorty.

John Pepple

Ok, I see what you are getting at. I was thinking of columnists and not anonymous commenters. I myself have argued with these people about blacks' supposedly low IQs, by pointing out that blacks from other countries, where the "acting white" syndrome is not present, seem smarter. Plus, they are the ones who are more likely to get jobs in academia. But it's impossible to get through to those who are convinced that blacks aren't as smart.

But on the left, there is a similar idea, except that it applies not to blacks but to the lower classes, and not in terms of IQ but in terms of getting into an elite school. Leftists at the top seem to think that those who don't get into elite schools just aren't very smart. Again, it's impossible to get through to them on this.

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