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Congratulations on another successful week. As in any new language once you understand the syntax it will all begin to fall into place.
I used to tell my students it takes learning 100 acronyms before you can consider yourself a journeyman in the trade.

John Pepple

Oh, yes, I was going to mention all the acronyms in aviation, but forgot. I was going to talk about Vx, the best angle of climb, though no one ever seems to talk about what angle or pitch you should use and instead they talk about what speed you should try to reach. I got my instructor all confused when I asked him about this.

Charles N. Steele

No doubt it is like most learning -- at first a skill, set of ideas, etc. seems unwieldy and foreign, but with repetition we automatize it and it starts feeling natural.

In his book "Never Too Late" John Holt describes the process of learning cello at an older-than-normal age; it is a very good account of learning and how with appropriate passion & focus one can accomplish a great deal.

John Pepple

Thanks, Charles. It reminds me of grad school, which most people find overwhelming at first, but if they stick with it, things get easier as time goes along. And thanks for the book reference. I'll have to check it out.

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