We Need a Symbol for the Counter-Jihad
Or the Resistance, as I sometimes call it. Some idiots at a college in San Diego have taken to wearing Jewish yellow stars, modified slightly by inserting a crescent moon and the word “Muslim” on the inside, in order to protest “Islamophobia” (here). But we need our own symbol, maybe something like this:
Or an x on a crescent moon, which I tried to create but don’t have the necessary skill. Anyway, we need something.
Regarding the Left’s Islamophilia, What Could I Have Done Differently Back in the 1960s?
Nothing. Nothing comes to mind. I was a campus radical when I got to college in 1969, but what could I have done differently that would have changed things? And nothing comes to mind. First of all, I am just one person, and I would not have changed anyone’s mind on my own. I would have needed millions like me to have effected any change. Second, we never talked about Islam. The subject just never came up, and even if it had, it would have been thought irrelevant (which it was for that era). Third, even if we had talked about Islam, I’m sure all we would have said was something to the effect that we wanted Muslims around to counterbalance the influence of all the Christians. The possibility that the left might go so overboard that we’d need to support conservative Christians, or that some of those Muslims coming here might want to turn our country into a theocracy never occurred to any of us. Suppose, after all, I had asked the other radicals the following: “You want to reduce American power in the world. Have you thought about who will step into that power vacuum? How can you be sure that things won’t get a lot worse?” And they will have imagined that the Soviet Union or China will have stepped in, which for them would have been a vast improvement. Talking about the possibility that reactionary theocrats would be the ones to step in would have made no sense to them, since reactionary theocrats were nowhere to be seen at that point.
Fourth, it never occurred to me that leftists would fail to support someone like Salman Rushdie, until I actually lived through it and saw them fail to support him. It shocked me back then, and I still have problems grappling with it. Fifth, it never occurred to me that leftists, who talked of religion as the opiate of the people, would ever support any religious people, especially religious conservatives.
Finally, even if I had anticipated all of these things, I can’t think of anything that would have changed things. Suppose, for example, that I had somehow learned what was going to happen to the left, and so I decided to join the John Birch Society to counteract their future tendencies. What would this have done? Almost nothing. I can just imagine the conversations I might have had with leftists. “Why did you go over to the dark side?” “Because I saw the left’s future, and I didn’t like it. I don’t like leftists who support religious conservatives.” “Well, I for one will never support Billy Graham.” “It’s not Billy Graham you will support, but his Islamic equivalent, and I don’t want any part of it.” Whatever reply they might have at this point would not have made the slightest difference. Either they were already inclined way back then to support fundamentalist Muslims, in which case the rot had already set in, or they weren’t, which would mean nothing since so many on the left, no matter what their previous views, have been swept away by the Islamophilia.
But there are two groups whom I would not have supported in the slightest: feminists and gay activists. I would have told them that I knew what they would be doing in forty years, namely not supporting women and gays in the Muslim world, so I couldn’t see supporting them at all ever.
The European Left Was Stupid
According to this NY Times article, lots of people in Europe are now admitting, privately at least, that Hungary was right to close its borders. Heh. It’s not like they ever wanted to listen to those of us who objected. Their first impulse was to call us names instead listening to reasoned arguments, and that’s what made them stupid. Anyone can make a mistake, and I don’t fault them for their policy, but I do fault them for their resistance to listening to any objections. Nothing less would do than that those of us who objected must be Nazis.