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While I give Ann some props for at least acknowledging and taking a stance with NOW's hypocrisy the following statement:

"She sees the European “men” who do nothing to protect their women or their nations from organised, systemic rape by Sharia-fuelled “guests,” and predicts that will happen to us, too, if we don’t change course."

lowers my expectations as she views the problem as something guy should solve. She should be advocating the use of grrrlll power and waif-fu to show these evil chauvinists just how strong and brave ladies are. I thought women didn't need men to protect them? Alas, she is simply a feminist of convenience.

J. Reed Anderson

Interest rates are kept low to benefit those with billions in the markets. In the late 70s and early 80s, you'll recall, interest rates were double digits and people saved and had money. The latter aren't the kind of people those who want low interest rates want to have money.

John Pepple

So, there are elites and ordinary people, and the elites don't want ordinary people to have money? Is that it? And the idea is what, that then they will have to depend more on government handouts?


Ignore the title, but NASA answered Ted Cruz when he asked the exact same question.



Sorry wrong link. Corrected:

John Pepple

Thanks for the link. I don't find the answer a bit convincing. It's really a different agency's job to do it, that of NOAA. Anyway, the ocean isn't going to be rising so fast that their launches will be in danger.

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