This post is an interview with someone I’ve never heard of named Brian Eno, who apparently is a rock star from ages ago. Maybe it’s because he’s British that I’ve never heard of him. Anyway, he claimed that at first he was horrified by Brexit and the Trump election, but then he decided to look at it differently and decided that he and all his friends didn’t like it because they thought they were going to be running the revolution and instead it turned out to be other people. (“There was a revolution brewing and we didn’t spot it because we didn’t make it. We expected we were going to be the revolution.”) He is now ok with that.
But assuming this is a revolution that leftists aren’t a part of – and I’m not going to argue that it is – I think it’s because by now the Sixties worldview has run its course, and the contradictions are so glaring it’s hard to believe that leftists don’t see them. Ponder these:
• Environmentalism: The same people who insist that global warming is happening refuse to stop traveling by jet.
• Racism: A few black thugs get murdered by police, and we are supposed to believe there’s a huge problem. Meanwhile, lots of inner-city blacks get murdered by other blacks, but this is not supposed to be a problem.
• Feminism: Women march in Washington against Donald Trump, but never against the plight of women in the Muslim world. Feminists have actually been so successful in this country that they now dominate our colleges and universities.
• Bigotry: Elites insist that poor whites who voted for Trump are racist and sexist. The classist bigotry of the elites, which would have been unthinkable for leftists back in the 1930s, is never acknowledged. Moreover, although leftists insist we ought not to stereotype people, leftists are doing it constantly with Trump voters.
• Fascism: Leftists complain constantly that with Trump’s election we are seeing the rise of fascism, but so far the bulk of the violence is coming from the left.
• Day-to-Day Political Principles: Liberals and leftists flip-flop on these with astonishing frequency, yet seem unaware that they are doing so. When Trump suggested he might not accept the election results, Democrats were outraged, only to reject the results themselves after the election happened. Dissent was the highest form of patriotism under Bush, only to be considered racist under Obama. It’s now back to being the highest form of patriotism.
• Muslims: As I’ve pointed out endlessly, Muslims are generally opposed to liberal and leftist goals and have murdered plenty of leftists, yet liberals and leftists somehow can’t acknowledge these facts.
• Hating: Leftists hate as much as anyone, and maybe even more than everyone else, yet they keep accusing conservatives of being the haters.
• The Third World: The New Left’s view of the Third World is out of sync with its beliefs. It should think of the Third World as mostly a hellhole of sexism and homophobia, but instead it reveres it, basically because of the views of the Old Left, which the New Left has otherwise abandoned.
• World’s worst political entity: Obviously, the worst political entity in the world today is ISIS. It has enslaved women, thrown gays off of buildings, and slit a lot of people’s throats, as well as being a sponsor of terrorism elsewhere. Yet, the left clings to the idea that the U.S. is the world’s worst political entity and that its power must be reduced. For that matter, ISIS isn’t an isolated entity because for the last fifty years, ultraconservative Muslims have been pushing hard to get other Muslims into their camp; indeed, they want the whole world under their thumb. ISIS is just one manifestation of this push. Yet, somehow leftists haven’t noticed any of this, and are even willing to defend ultraconservative Muslims against their more liberal opponents (since they see the ultraconservatives not as conservatives but as the more authentic Muslims).
• Postmodernism. The same left that insists that global warming is a fact also insists that there are no facts.
• Social justice. There is still slavery in Africa, but the social-justice warriors don’t care. It’s not on their agenda. Closer to home, they don’t care about poor whites, either, nor about qualified Asian students being rejected by elite schools.
• Rebellion: The left acts as though it is out of power and continues to demand that young people challenge the system. This is about as out-of-touch as can be.
• The self-interest of the workers: When leftists these days say that workers are stupid and ignorant for voting against their own self-interest, it is leftists themselves who are the ones who are stupid and ignorant. For example, leftists imagine that unemployed coal miners in West Virginia, unemployed because of Obama’s war on coal, will somehow be better off voting for Hillary than Trump.
Why do liberals and leftists fail to see these contradictions? It seems to be because the media they read just don’t mention them. For example, elderly leftist professors who are in no hurry to retire are not a bit bothered by the fact that they are depriving young people of a chance at an academic career. They act as though there was a professor shortage rather than the exact opposite. How can they get away with this selfishness? It’s because the media they look at never talk about this issue, so they are calm in their minds about how long they can stay on. I suspect, then, that liberals and leftists who whine about global warming but who frequently travel by jet never get bashed for their habits by the media that they look at.
So, are we in a revolution? Or is this just a reversal of a pendulum that will bring us back to the 1950s? Or is it nothing but a little glitch that will temporarily slow the inevitable advance of leftism? Or is it the rise of fascism, as leftists insist? I have no idea.