Liberals and leftists keep calling us Trump supporters racists, sexists, fascists, and Nazis. In return, I’m calling them ISIS supporters. And there is plenty of justification for this. Take the women’s march in Washington. Has there ever been a women’s march against ISIS? I can’t remember any, and even if there were, they were nothing like the women’s march against Trump. The message couldn’t be clearer: “it’s ok for ISIS to enslave women, but let Donald Trump (or anyone like him) use a nasty word, and we are going to march!”
Here’s some more evidence. It is a statement by a student group called Divest Kenyon at the college where my wife teaches (Kenyon College):
Over the past few weeks members of Divest Kenyon have met to discuss the importance of coalitions and building social power by understanding issues of oppression as intersectional. Come to our meetings Sunday 1 pm in Leach dining hall – all students, faculty, and staff are welcome. Here is our solidarity statement: Divest Kenyon stands in solidarity with all communities currently threatened by corporate greed and discriminatory government policies. We stand alongside the indigenous people and others whose clean water is jeopardized by the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines and recognize that this is part of a pattern of exploitation and dispossession inflicted on indigenous Americans. We condemn the illegal Israeli occupation of the West Bank and affirm the right of the Palestinian people to equal treatment under law. We advocate for an America that is welcoming of refugees and immigrants, regardless of race or religious conviction, and call for an end to the systematic discrimination that persists in our society. We support racial justice in all settings and stand in solidarity with communities of color who are targeted by police brutality and the institution of mass incarceration. We recognize the intersectionality of these issues, and that each of them thrive off of our silence and complicity. Divest Kenyon refuses to be silent.
See? There is nothing there about ISIS, though of course Israel is mentioned. And that last sentence is particularly ridiculous because obviously they will remain silent about ISIS and every other Muslim outrage. Nor is there anything special about this statement, which resembles many other declarations from the left that we all have read for the last umpteen years.
No, whether we are or are not Nazis (and of course we are not), they are ISIS supporters.
You aren't exaggerating. Here's a Georgetown U. professor who converted to Islam defending slavery and rape in Islam. It's only our "Western obsession with individual autonomy and consent" that makes us object to these things:
Posted by: Charles N. Steele | 02/12/2017 at 07:44 PM
Yes, I saw that. Incredible.
Posted by: John Pepple | 02/12/2017 at 08:15 PM