This report on Bulgaria tells an interesting story about how the Bulgarians, including those who are Muslim, don’t want Muslim immigrants coming into their country, because they see them as forcing a particular type of Islam onto everyone. Yes, exactly.
Militiamen such as those interviewed in the report cannot be trusted very much. However, it is true that our Muslim fellow citizens do not want to share their mosques with fundamentalist Middle Easterners. Besides, our Muslims are either of Turkish ethnic origin or under Turkish influence, and there is generally little love between Turks and Arabs, partly due to the former Ottoman rule. This is an open secret, though leftists try to frame every conflict as "good non-Westerners vs. the bad West".
Posted by: Maya M | 03/19/2017 at 02:28 PM
Yes. Also, that blacks were not enslaved by Muslims, or if they were, they were treated kindly, etc. So many lies.
Posted by: John Pepple | 03/19/2017 at 05:49 PM