The terrorist attack today in London is a reminder that the Islamists show no sign of letting up. Here is a comment on Yahoo about how to end terrorism:
You wanna end “terrorism?” Then ask WHY they hate our govts. Destabilizing their govts and societies by supporting dictators, regime change operations, interventionism, invasions & occupations, raids & drone strikes killing civilians and bombingthechit outta their countries for 25 years might have something to do with it.
They don’t just hate our governments. They also hate individuals, like Salman Rushdie and Theo van Gogh. What did they have to do with any of these actions? Nothing, of course. So long as we have idiots like this who believe the attacks are all about grievances, and so long as such people wield so much veto power over any sensible analysis and policy on terrorism, we will continue to have terrorism.
You wanna end terrorism? Ask why the world's largest city (Tokyo) has zero muslim terror attacks.
Posted by: Charles N. Steele | 03/24/2017 at 07:50 AM
Yup. And even China, which has Muslims in its western regions, doesn't have much in the way of terrorism because they have reacted very harshly to any attacks. Both the government and the Han Chinese are very hostile to Muslims, so the efforts of the Islamists there are minimal.
Posted by: John Pepple | 03/24/2017 at 08:28 AM