The other day I observed that the issue of global warming is such that both sides think the other side is in denial (though whether the warmists know that that is what we believe about them is doubtful). The warmists think we skeptics are in denial because they think we are in denial about the science. Here are a bunch of ways the warmists are in denial:
1. They are in denial about the way they have politicized just about everything, including science. It’s true that some scientific topics have no political consequences, like the mass of an electron, and so can’t be politicized, but global warming certainly can be. This isn’t a claim that can be settled simply by doing a laboratory experiment. It requires massive amounts of data about weather conditions now, and it requires us to figure out what the conditions were hundreds of years ago, which can be quite controversial. There are rumors of data being changed, of data not being supplied to outsiders, and so on. So, it is easily politicized.
2. They are in denial about all the failed predications they have made, including the pause in warming. Despite these failures, they still think we ought to heed their warnings.
3. They are in denial about the relevance of the claims in the 1970s that there was global cooling. What they are implying with their current claims is that the scientists back then were way, way wrong. (Why? Why did they screw up so badly? This hasn’t been explained.) And if they were wrong then, why not now as well?
4. The elites are in denial about their own actions, which suggest they don’t really believe that it’s happening. If they did, they would live different lifestyles. For example, Obama could have skyped into the various climate conferences, but he jetted there instead, as did all the other attendees. No skeptic found this persuasive.
5. They are in denial about alternative sources of energy. Wind and solar are nowhere near able to replace fossil fuels, but nuclear could. However, they are in denial about this, too. If global warming is such a severe threat, then lesser threats become tolerable, like the threat from the waste resulting from nuclear power. Yet, environmentalists continue to think we should avoid nuclear power, even though it would reduce our carbon footprint enormously.
6. They are in denial about how their advocacy for the remedies they are proposing tends to compromise their advocacy of the “science.” That is, it’s not as though they are saying, “We hate these remedies, but we will all just have to put up with them.” No, they want these remedies, whether there is warming or not. And that makes their pushing for the science just a little suspect.
7. They are in denial about their own anti-science stances. While leftists insist that the right’s general refusal to accept global warming shows they are anti-science, the left’s refusal to accept what IQ scores say about race shows they can be anti-science, too.
8. They are in denial about the way that science works. It’s unlikely that science this complicated is going to be settled anytime soon, plus a “consensus” isn’t the way that science works.
9. They are in denial about the Climategate scandal, which if it had happened to conservative scientists, they would have accepted.
10. They are in denial about the money. It is their side that has the money, not the skeptic’s side. No mere corporation or even a group of them can compete with all the money flowing to climate researchers from governments.
11. They are in denial about their characterizations of skeptics. They insist that they are in the pay of the oil companies, which isn’t true, and which even if it were true in some cases, still isn’t true in most. This is nothing but stereotyping, which leftists claim to hate.
12. They are in denial about the way they use events to “prove” global warming is happening. They use unusual events like hurricanes or a hot spell to show it’s happening, whereas a cold spell or the lack of hurricanes they just discount as mere weather that is not to be confused with climate. Or worse, they take it all to mean that there is warming, though logically it all could just as well show that there is cooling.
13. They are in denial about peer review, which is much less reliable than they imagine. They are listening to no one but the elites on this point, even though they say they like to listen to people at the bottom.
14. They are in denial, as leftists, about what leftists in the humanities are saying. The postmodernists are denying that there is objective truth, which means that they implicitly deny that global warming is an objective fact. As far as I know, the warmists have never taken the postmodernists to task for spreading a message that makes people less willing to trust science.