As Republicans have often pointed out, there is a lot of black-on-black crime in our inner cities, but leftists aren’t that interested in dealing with it because they believe that its “root causes” are poverty and racism, and those must be dealt with first. But for the problem of white supremacism, it is somehow different: we must smash it immediately. There is no need to look at root causes, apparently.
Let me suggest that this doesn’t make any sense. White supremacism has sprung up out of nothing. Twenty years ago, it was unknown, so what has happened in the meantime? One answer is that nothing has happened and that the “problem” of white supremacism isn’t even a problem because the numbers are exactly what they were twenty years ago.
Assuming that the numbers have gone up, though, what has happened? For one, ordinary politicians have done nothing to allay people’s fears about the Muslim problem, while white supremacists have promised to fix it. This is especially true in Europe. Here in America, it is less pronounced, but instead there has been an awful lot of white bashing recently, especially of poor whites.
Both of these decisions by liberals and leftists were entirely avoidable. There is no need for secular leftists to champion any religious people, and if they must champion Muslims, they ought to champion the liberals, who want to fit in here in the West, rather than the ultra-conservatives, who want to change things drastically.
As for the white-bashing, that too is entirely avoidable. Calling people “deplorable” was a dumb move on Hillary Clinton’s part, and it may have cost her the election. Likewise, saying that “all lives matter” is racist was dumb. It was said by one black person, and no one else needed to agree with it. Yet, the Democrats decided they needed to support it, and for all I know, it caused a surge in the number of white supremacists. Liberals and leftists have no one but themselves to blame, I am saying. But beyond that, it is ironic that they see no need to look at root causes in this case. Are they afraid of what they will find?
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