See here. This column is noteworthy for a couple reasons. First, Pipes observes that it’s wrong to call the anti-immigration parties nationalist when they are not like the nationalist parties of old. “Rather, they have a European and Western outlook; to coin a term, they are civilizationist.” I agree, but I’d prefer to call them westernists. They are, after all, trying to preserve Western civilization and not just any civilization.
Secondly, he talks about the six Ps: “police, politicians, press, priests, professors, and prosecutors.” These are the people who represent our elites and who thwart any kind of resistance against Islamification. However, I have a problem with one of the Ps, namely priests. It may be true in Europe that they are part of the elite and play an important role in society. For example, the Archbishop of Canterbury occasionally weighs in on issues, and he always seems soft on Islamification. But I can’t think of any priest in America who has that kind of visibility (and the ones who come close are quite conservative). Instead, it is Hollywood that looms large.
The Catholic Church in the US, like the current pope, is a vociferous advocate of open borders and Islamophilia. However, this earns the bishops no credit at all with the Progressive Establishment on issues on which the Church differs with the Left (e.g., forcing nuns to pay for birth control).
Posted by: djf | 11/30/2017 at 09:55 PM