Mark Steyn observes (here; hat tip: Mark Spahn) that Elizabeth Warren can consider herself Indian, even though she is only 1/32 Indian, while the same people who approve of this consider George Zimmerman white (scroll down to see a quote here), even though his mother was a mestizo from Peru (making him much more non-white than she is). So, there are at least three issues with Warren: (1) her claim to being Indian at all is suspect, (2) leftists are inconsistent about how to judge people who are non-white, and (3) the percentage of non-white blood that is sufficient for one to legitimately claim to be non-white has not yet been specified. If 1/32 is sufficient, how about 1/100? 1/500? 1/1000? That last figure is what I am, according to a DNA analysis I had done a couple years ago. I found out to my surprise that I was part East Asian (but only one part in a thousand, which of course is minuscule). Anyway, where do we draw the line? No matter where we draw it, it will seem arbitrary, but I’d like to believe most people would consider Zimmerman more non-white than Warren.
Finally we understand why you found so many closed doors in academia. There are just too many of you east Asians already (or so we're told).
More seriously, (although these days nothing seems serious when discussing leftist dogma) identity, characteristics, and facts are meaningless to the left. Men can be women, women can be men, men and women can be 61 or so other otherkins, and whether a person is allowed to claim some status or other depends on how s/he feels (feels, not thinks, thinking is forbidden) about Trump, free markets, free speech, private ownership of guns, etc.
Left = loony.
Posted by: Charles N.Steele | 12/01/2017 at 05:26 PM
One-drop non-white is still the Democrat-Progressive standard.
Posted by: J. Reed Anderson | 12/01/2017 at 06:53 PM