Hillary claimed recently on a trip to India that her supporters are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, and forward-looking. She’s wrong. Her supporters are no different from those people in Britain who have led it to Telford and Rotherham, or those Germans who led Germany to the gropings on New Year’s Eve in Cologne, or those Swedes who have led Sweden to incidents involving hand grenades. They may be forward-looking in the short run, but certainly not in the long run.
It is so jarring to hear Hilliary claim to represent the side of optimism, dyamism, and foresight while spewing such hateful venom against everyone who differed with her. What a loser.
Posted by: Charles N.Steele | 03/15/2018 at 07:23 PM
She's like a spoiled child. She got spoiled by all the media support for her.
Posted by: John Pepple | 03/16/2018 at 05:41 AM