An idea that makes an appearance every now and then in leftist circles is to make post offices serve as banks for poorer people. See here. As many of the commenters at the link point out, if this idea doesn’t work very well, we taxpayers will end up paying for it. So, why not have leftists pay for this idea themselves? Back when I was a leftist, I thought all the money was in the hands of the Republicans, but now I know better. There’s plenty of money on the left, so they should be the ones to cough it up so the poor can have their own banks that serve their needs. And best of all, the Southern Poverty Law Center seems to have lots of money to spend. See here. The people at this link have a different idea on how to spend the SPLC’s money, but I think mine is just as good.
Some years back (five? ten?) Walmart floated the idea of offering banking services in its stores. The idea was that poorer people would thus have much better access to quality banking services, and at Walmart's typical rock-bottom prices ... instead of having to turn to payday loan outfits, etc. with their super-high prices and doubtful service.
Needless to say, the left went ballistic and got the feds to quash the idea.
Posted by: Charles N.Steele | 04/30/2018 at 05:35 PM
Thanks for reminding me. I should have mentioned that.
Posted by: John Pepple | 04/30/2018 at 08:36 PM