This report from the Powerline Blog brings the hilarious news that a leftist online magazine, Think Progress, had unionized. Why would you need a union in a leftist-run outfit? If it is run by leftists, then it should already be run along socialist lines, so a union wouldn’t be needed. Or if not along socialist lines, at least along lines that would respect the workers' rights. But apparently not.
This is similar to what I’ve been saying about the treatment of adjuncts in academia. If leftist-run outfits or institutions cannot treat people right, right from the start, then why trust them to do anything? We might as well stick with capitalism and capitalists. Any leftist-run outfit should be the ideal place to work, with egalitarianism infused throughout, yet academia is filled with hierarchies which leftists are in no hurry to eliminate.
Never trust socialists.
Even funnier in the Powerline piece is that all the union members were laid off and operations closed; but owner Center for American Progress plans to keep it running with non-union labor. And CAP is requiring the laid off workers to keep donating to CAP unless they opt out (I guess out of the big severance package the union managed to get.
Leftists seem to need someone to oppress, and when there are no conservatives around can only prey on each other.
Posted by: Charles N. Steele | 09/13/2019 at 07:35 PM