See here. This is an article about the EU president Jean-Claude Juncker, and how much he likes the idea of immigration. He asks:
First of all: must we protect ourselves against the unfortunate? Must we protect ourselves against those who flee war, torture, rape, and a lack of perspectives* for their children?
Logic and reason are completely powerless against such cluelessness. Has he never heard of Rotherham? How about what happened in Cologne on New Year’s Eve a few years ago? How about cars being torched near Paris?
Actually, this business reminds me of the rationalist-empiricist split in Western philosophy. Those who want immigration are the rationalists, who believe we can discern the character of foreigners by pure reason, while the rest of us are empiricists, who insist that actual facts about them matter and must be taken into account when we consider whether or not to let them in.
* This passage was translated from French by the author of the article, and a better translation of “perspectives” would be “prospects.”
Juncker is dishonest. He also celebrated and praised Karl Marx as a European hero... Marx's great contribution is the system that created gulags, NKVD/KGB terror, show trials, Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968, and similar "European achievements." What would we expect from Juncker but dishonesty?
Posted by: Charles N. Steele | 09/30/2019 at 08:17 PM