I say the Democrats have plenty of problems of their own and that forcing Trump out of the White House will do nothing to solve these problems, since he is not in any way responsible for them. Here are some of them:
1. The looming destruction of women’s sports due to an invasion of trannies. I’ve already talked about this, but see here. Both sides here are on the left, yet they cannot reach a compromise.
2. The Harvard law professor and dean who took on the job of defending Harvey Weinstein and who as a result was forced to relinquish his position as dean. When I was young, it was understood by educated adults that every defendant deserved a lawyer and that therefore some lawyers were going to end up defending unpopular clients. In fact, things were so skewed that if anything, it was the prosecuting attorney who had the bad reputation. But now we have to put up with childish adults and their childish feelings about someone who is merely doing an unpleasant job (namely, defending an awful person). And there were no adults at Harvard who told these people to back off.
3. The emergence of typhus in Los Angeles. This is in a state wholly run by the Democrats, so Trump is not to blame.
4. The failure of California to build the high-speed rail from Los Angeles to San Francisco. When I was young, such a project would have been finished in a few years, but after a similar length of time, nothing had been accomplished, and the project was finally scrapped. What was the problem? I’m sure the majority wanted it, because it’s a green project, yet it couldn’t get built.
5. The plight of adjuncts in academia. I’ve already talked about this on numerous occasions, but the fact that in a segment of society almost wholly dominated by liberals and leftists there is nevertheless exploitation of some faculty members is a warning sign to everyone else not to let the left dominate.
6. The college-admissions scandal. It shows that various parts of our society which claim to be egalitarian are far from having such a value.
7. The persistence of the idea of cultural appropriation. There are a lot of Democrats who have engaged in cultural appropriation, but despite their protestations, the idea of cultural appropriation is still around.
Many more things could be mentioned, but these are the ones that might actually be acknowledged by Democrats themselves. After all, I think that there is something dreadfully wrong with the many people who think that every Trump supporter is a Nazi, but apparently most Democrats think this is accurate. And many Democratic women think we are already living in a society like that portrayed in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale, which represents a staggering breach with reality. But because many Democratic women do think this way, I didn't list it.
Anyway, these seven represent problems that even Democrats should be able to acknowledge.
These are all symptoms of a single problem, not multiple problems. The problem is, informally, the Democrats have lost their minds. They're insane.
More carefully, they've adopted an ideology that rejects reason in favor of subjective feeling -- hence identity politics and the rest of that nonsense. That's also why they can't see it. These are people who can don hijabs and march around screaming that Trump has brought "Handmaid's Tale" upon us, with no sense of irony, or insist that sex is arbitrarily "assigned at birth" but homosexuals are "born this way." They seem incapable of cognitive dissonance. They're insane.
Posted by: Charles N. Steele | 10/14/2019 at 07:37 AM