According to the website of the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the emphasis on the scientific method and on “objective, rational, linear thinking” is part of whiteness and that of course is bad. See here. In other words, those who believe in global warming need to check their white privilege and just shut up. Greta, as a white person, is merely participating in white culture and the way that that has been “normalized” for the entire world. Enough already! Let non-scientific ways of knowing flourish!
I’ve been pointing this out for a couple decades now. With respect to science the left comprises two opposed tendencies: the environmental one and the postmodern one. The former insists that science shows us that humans have ruined the environment and that we have caused runaway global warming. But the latter group has always insisted that there is no objectivity and that “knowledge” is merely what the elites in any society find congenial. Accordingly, they have accused those who believe in science of being racist, sexist, and homophobic.
The general public is thus impaled on the horns of a dilemma: if they don’t believe in global warming, they are science-deniers (and those are as bad as Holocaust-deniers), while if they do believe in it, then they are racist, sexist, and homophobic. The postmodernists have seldom garnered the attention that the environmentalists have, but with Black Lives Matter becoming so prominent these days, that will change.
Will Greta get canceled? Probably about as soon as Yale changes its name.
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