From this Steve Sailer post by a commenter named Doug:
I have a sneaking suspicion that the media’s new found concern over anti-Asian hate crime is a cynical ploy by the Democratic establishment to roll back the 2020 retreat on policing.
Major political figures, on both the municipal and national levels, have spent the past year fanning the BLM flames of anti-police sentiment. I think most of them weren’t actually naive enough to think that there’d be no repercussions on crime and safety. But I doubt many thought that things would get this bad, this fast.
The BLM rallying cry over racist police was a success, in the sense that they probably tipped the White House and Senate. But now the party machine is in damage control mode. You can’t just walk back “defund the police”, “end cash bail”, etc., without looking like a racist hypocrite based on your own rhetoric from six months ago.
The Asian hate crime trend, which is just a single crest in the much larger crime wave, offers the perfect solution. Last year, policing was racist. But this year, throngs of noose-waving Trump supporters in Oakland and Brooklyn are running around attacking elderly Chinese women. Now, its a failure to police that would be racist. Obviously the police need to fully re-funded. No, their budget needs to be increased. And of course cash bail and long prison sentences will have to come back. Anti-Asian White supremacists are too dangerous to leave on the street.
As long as the police are out there protecting vulnerable Korean grandmothers from the KKK (who seem to have a surprisingly strong presence in the Chicago urban core), maybe they could followup on some other issues… There have been some reports of, what I’m sure must be Proud Boy militia members, selling crack and snatching purses a few blocks over…
Very clever. I wish I had thought of it.