After the last World Cup, which was won by France, there was a lot of brainless talk about how the win required not just ethnic French players, but also people of color. Never mind that their opponents, Croatia, were playing with an all-white team and were nearly as good as France was. Yesterday in the European Championship, England with some black players played against an all-white Italian team. And that kind of talk was cut short when England lost. Furthermore, the game came down to penalty kicks, and three blacks chosen to take England’s last three kicks managed to miss them and lose the game. I’ve talked enough about the importance of penalty kicks before, so I won’t repeat it again. What I will say is that England’s lone goal, scored in the first couple minutes, was pure luck. I’ve seen people try to score in situations like that many times, and the success rate is maybe one in ten. Usually, the ball goes high and wide, or arcs over to the corner flag, or goes straight to the keeper, or is missed entirely by the shooter. Yet, no one else seems to have noticed that this was just a very lucky goal.
Anyway, it’s over, and we have been spared a lot of smug talk by the woke.