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Charles N. Steele

The Wuflu plague is certainly about power. Right from the start, open discussion of the disease was suppressed. Discussion of treatments was and is suppressed. Doctors and other medical workers and researchers who say the “wrong” thing have licenses canceled, are fired, and are otherwise harassed. People who raise questions about the safety of the experimental vaxxes are smeared and ‘canceled.’ Whistleblowers on the dangers of the vaxxes and the lockdowns are threatened. And we’re told we must all comply with asinine lockdown rules and adopt internal passports to live.

Maya M

"Milder" does not mean "mild", however. At this stage, about half of the tested samples in my country of 7 millions are Omicron, yet we are still losing a hundred people per day to COVID.

Charles N. Steele

Maya, the authorities have grossly exaggerated the dangers of Covid for political purposes and they have systematically suppressed scientists and medical experts who have tried to present evidence that runs counter to the fear-mongering. The case of Dr. Coetzee is just one example.

The scoundrels even admit what they’ve been doing:


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